Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to Become a Famous Singer

Have you ever wondered how to become a famous singer or musician. Today I am going to tell you just how to do that.

  1. You must have a decent voice.

     2.   You  need a rocking band

     3.   You must get a recording contract.

     4.   Have a good agent/ manager.

     5.   A lawyer to do the legal work.

These  are the key things that you need to become a famous singer. As you age your voice will start to fade but a good music shuffler can make you sound twenty years old again.

If you don’t have a good voice then you become famous it will just be harder. There are many people that can sing at all but have become famous. Rebecca Black is a perfect example of a terrible singer that got a shot and they still took her off the record company because it made their company go down the drain.

If you want to know how to play an instrument i would recommend that you take some band classes in school or taking private lesson in your free time. I have never been into play an instrument but if I had to learn to play one I would pick the bass. This is because your bass player has to have rhythm and I have rhythm.

There has been a lot of talk here lately about Illuminate. Illuminate are people who sell their souls to the devil. The people who are in Illumination are famous singers, basketball players (such as LeBron James).

As Kenny Chesney said he didn’t know what he wanted to do in life until he got his first guitar.

This is Kenny Chesney after one of his concert. Aviable at

Monday, April 23, 2012

Keith Urban Inducted into Grand Ole Opy

Many people may think that music stars start with a big recording contract but that’s not true. My parents went to Nashville on weekend and found a bar where many of them first got recognized as a good singer. 

This isn’t a big bar it’s a little hole in the wall. There has been 5-6 artist get a recording contract that just started singing there.

The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee you have to be invited to sing there. I didn’t know this until I heard a radio broadcast about Keith Urban getting invited to sing there. He is playing there April 21, for his first time at the Opry.

Keith Urban being told he is becoming a member of The Grand Ole Opry.

Avilable at

To be able to sing at The Grand Ole Opry is a privilege not every singer is able to sing there. Most of the ones that sing there become LEGENDS.

Keith Urban has been singing country music since he before he came to American. He has been here for twenty-one years. To many this is a dream that only a few get experience.

As of April 21st 2012 Keith Urban is the newest member of The Grand Ole Opry. When singers become members they are awarded with a 14 inch replica of the microphone and then they get a cake that looks like a Fender guitar.

Trace Atkins handing Keith Urban his members award.
Available at

                                                             Video of Keith Urban receiving award and talks about the experience it is. Available at

I found an article where Keith Urban talks about how its a honor to become a member of The Grand Ole Opry.
“Thank you very much! Yee haw! That is awesome!” Urban began. Is how Keith Urban began his statement after he received his membership trophy (pictured above).

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What my blog is about

Hey and welcome to a blog that’s all about music.

In my blogs I’m going to tell you about the latest music, new and upcoming artist. There aren’t many blogs that cover this subject. I take it upon myself to inform the internet about the newest music.

What all types of music do you listen to? What are your favorite songs and favorite artist? How does their music appeal to you?

I listen to almost every kind of music such as country, rap, rock, rock & roll, oldies. My favorite song is He’s Mine by Rodney Atkins. I enjoy listening to his music because I can relate to it.
Rodney Atkins newest album.
Available at 

If you enjoy listening to rap then there is a website call Current Hip-Hop that has all the newest songs and every artist you can think of. I used to listen to rap but I got tired of it. And the only time I would listen to it was when I was driving somewhere.

I would like for my audience to enjoy all kinds of music. This will only help us relate better. Many people say they hate country music but I bet they have never listened to it for more than five minutes. If you only like one type of music then I push you to go try others. I’ve started listening to house music also and that helps me relax.

Giving things a chance is part of life. Without chance then you never know what could have been. There is more than one type of music and the one that you like to listen to is probably getting old to you. So while you’re in the car switch the station and find something that sounds good to you or something that you think you may be interested in.

Monday, April 2, 2012