Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What my blog is about

Hey and welcome to a blog that’s all about music.

In my blogs I’m going to tell you about the latest music, new and upcoming artist. There aren’t many blogs that cover this subject. I take it upon myself to inform the internet about the newest music.

What all types of music do you listen to? What are your favorite songs and favorite artist? How does their music appeal to you?

I listen to almost every kind of music such as country, rap, rock, rock & roll, oldies. My favorite song is He’s Mine by Rodney Atkins. I enjoy listening to his music because I can relate to it.
Rodney Atkins newest album.
Available at http://goo.gl/nDeUi 

If you enjoy listening to rap then there is a website call Current Hip-Hop that has all the newest songs and every artist you can think of. I used to listen to rap but I got tired of it. And the only time I would listen to it was when I was driving somewhere.

I would like for my audience to enjoy all kinds of music. This will only help us relate better. Many people say they hate country music but I bet they have never listened to it for more than five minutes. If you only like one type of music then I push you to go try others. I’ve started listening to house music also and that helps me relax.

Giving things a chance is part of life. Without chance then you never know what could have been. There is more than one type of music and the one that you like to listen to is probably getting old to you. So while you’re in the car switch the station and find something that sounds good to you or something that you think you may be interested in.


  1. I love that you enjoy different types of music. However, please edit your grammar. Song titles should be in "marks." What will I learn from your blog (not blogs) in the future?

  2. I really like your blog and I like country music too. I hope to learn more about music from reading your blogs.
