Thursday, May 17, 2012

Country vs. Rap

In today’s blog I’m going to compare and contrast country music and rap music.

Throughout the years, both genres are criticized as well as its fans. Many people judge country and its fans simply because it’s not their type of music. You often hear people make remarks about country fans such as hillbillies and  “rednecks”. On the other side you have the people who “cut-down” rap because they don’t think it promotes a positive message but  in reality, the people judging face the same vulgarity and sexual morality that is in rap because both types of music share similarities in this area as well.

Two major differences between country and rap can be compared and contrasted by looking at what each genre supports. Rap (for the most part), supports criminality and unjust behaviors while country is generally more appreciative of the little things in life that aren’t in harm’s way. The difference between the two types of music is very simple; country is exceptionally the overall most formal and most decent pick of the two categories, as compared to rap which is labeled by most, which is simply worse because of its inexcusable behavior and unforgettable sin.

In most rap songs they talk about having sex, selling drugs, using drugs, and killing people. Here are some lyrics of a rap song:

On the phone cooking dope at the same d*** time
Selling white selling mid at the same d*** time

Future; Aviable at
More lyrics:

Many country songs talk about drinking, having fun with your life and being with the people you love:

A full moon shinin’ bright
Edge of the water; we were feelin’ alright
Back down a country road
The girls are always hot, and the beer is ice cold

Now you pick which one you would rather let your child listen to. The one about cooking dope and selling it. I know I would want my kid to grow up listening to country over rap.

  Jake Owen;  Aviable at


  1. I love your blog, because I don;t know what I would do without music.

    Although, I'm not sure what you was going for at the beginning, but its just a lot of lines.

    Good job(:

  2. Rap music can also be emotional and takes skill to write. For example,
    "Have you ever loved someone so much you've given on for, not the expression, literally given on for,
    When they know they are your heart and you know you are their armour,
    And you would destroy anyone who would try and harm her." - eminem

  3. Rap music can also be emotional and takes skill to write. For example,
    "Have you ever loved someone so much you've given on for, not the expression, literally given on for,
    When they know they are your heart and you know you are their armour,
    And you would destroy anyone who would try and harm her." - eminem
